The Klint-Foundation
- was established in 1972 and still plays an important role in the company’s financial infrastructure.
The purpose of the Klint-Foundation, in addition to operating the business Le Klint A/S, is to provide financial support to young individuals in education within the industrial and trade sectors.
The foundation grants yearly scholarships to young, upcoming architects and designers twice a year.
Additionally, the foundation may provide support to current and former employees of Le Klint.
For applications, you can find more information at the bottom of the page.

Visions for the future
For director Jan Klint, it was crucial to ensure the company's existence.
The establishment of The Klint-Foundation was a wise and visionary move. It has secured the company's existence as a Danish workplace with a focus on craftsmanship and design.
Jan Klint's thoughts on maintaining a good working environment remain relevant and are upheld to this day.
Jan Klint continued as the director of the company until his death in 1989.
The Klint-Foundation
- Is managed by a professional board that upholds Jan Klint's vision. In addition, the foundation actively works on the development and future-proofing of Le Klint in collaboration with the board and the company's management.
Foundation Members
The Klint-Foundation board consists of three members:
Chairman of the Board
Lars Rasmussen
Attorney-at-law (L)
Board member
Hanne Teglhus
Master of Arts
Aarhus University
Board member
Torben Grøngaard Jepsen
Museum Director, Adjunct Professor, Ph.D., R
Odense City Museums
Klint-Foundation adheres to the Recommendations for Good Foundation Governance

All inquiries regarding the foundation's work, applications for grants must be addressed directly to the administration by e-mail:

Grant recipients
Over the years, the foundation has provided significant financial support to employees and awarded grants to various young architects and designers in education. Several of them have left their mark on many of Le Klints current products. To name a few: Poul Christiansen, Poul Seest Pedersen, Flemming Agger, Christian Hvidt, Michael Bang, Philip Bro Ludvigsen, Thomas Krause, Lise Navne, Amanda Betz, and Tine Mouritsen.
Applications to the Klint-Foundation
The Klint-Foundation primarily supports young individuals in education within trade and industry, with a focus on design and architecture.
Grants are awarded twice a year, with application deadlines of April 1st and October 1st, respectively.
The application should include a description of the requested support and the rationale for seeking assistance from the Klint-Foundation. Additionally, it should provide information on whether the requested support can contribute to the development of the business area covered by the enterprise conducted under the auspices of LE KLINT A/S. The application must be accompanied by a budget related to the requested support, as well as the applicant's CV and Portfolio, if relevant. Furthermore, it is a condition for consideration for support that the requested support is not commenced until at least 6 weeks after the expiration of the current application deadline. Additionally, the application must specify the latest completion date for the requested support ("completion date").
If you are considered eligible for support, you will receive written notification no later than 2 months after the expiration of the application deadline.
Support will be disbursed after the requested support has been completed and satisfactory documentation thereof has been received by the foundation - no later than 6 months after the completion date. Otherwise, the foundation's commitment to provide support will be forfeited, meaning that the support will not be disbursed.
If you have not heard from the Klint-Foundation within 2 months after the expiration of the application deadline, your application has not been considered for support as a general rule.
Apply via the following link
Privacy policy
Notification regarding the Foundation's collection and processing of personal information in connection with applications for available grants from the Klint-Foundation.
The Klint-Foundation takes personal data security seriously.
This means that we comply with rules that apply to the collection, registration, use, storage and deletion of your personal data.
Please read below to learn about our policy: